View Profile shadradson

27 Movie Reviews

3 w/ Responses


I laughed my ass off when he JUMPPPPED KABOOM! on his motorcycle. HAHAHAH
Dude. that was some funny stuff. Good god.

It reminds me of this movie I saw a long time ago that had the phrase "silly sausage spaceship" in it......
I can not find that movie.

drodZILiA responds:


I liked it but...

You have strayed from your normal movie!

Something I have always loved about your movies is the interaction between the characters and the pencil. I understand that you are trying to put more work into them, but don't over do it! The pencil gave this feeling of an unknown creator, but when you add the hand in the it takes some of that mystery away. You humanize the pencil and it no longer stands as the observant creator messing around with his creations. Now it is some kid drawing random doodles.
Also, in this movie there was hardly any interaction at all! I miss it. *sniff* I was so happy about seeing another pencilmation on newgrounds.

I still love your stuff and I think it is great. But why change perfection?


Thats was cool.
I loved the style and the quirky animation. And the message was clear and true.

I just got lost at the idea of "OMG THAT GUY (who was banging your girlfriend) JUST KILLED HIMSELF!!!! Wanna go out?"

Some people don't understand.

PureSkillNoLuk is either trolling or really that warped.
Everyone loves to seek out things that calm them. The thrill of a rush is still fun, but at the end of the day we all try to sleep knowing that we did something.
This movie calms me and that is why it has such a high score.
People can derive hope from this. Just build.


I want you to write a backstory to this. Do it now. I know you have something in your head because of that file part at the end. That is amazing writing my friend and you are faved. Please make more.

Masquatto responds:

Glad you like it.

Maybe a prequel?

Wow I am amazed

This has a flair all its own. Your style is one that i have never seen before. Yes it does remind me of ccc, and yes it does remind me of air gear, but your artwork is your own and i think you surpass both in your making. Good ffing job.

Very Good

I hardly ever write reviews. I have never seen a great sonic tribute before. I love sonic but thats not why I gave you a five. All that sonic did was get me to watch this movie.
It was wonderful. The action in it rivaled Sonic the Movie and in some parts exceeded it. I am very impressed and this is being favorited. GJ


Your movie moved me.

You are on a good track!

It is obvious to me that your movie seperates the people who are true artists, from the people that just wanna watch a funny flash movie.

My last cell phone called me up and told me it quit.

Age 38, Male



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